Guardian of the Circle I, 2014, graphite, oil on drafting film, 14" x 32"

Farther North, 2014, graphite, charcoal, acrylic, gauze on paper, 19" x 27"

Guardians of the Circle II, 2014, acrylic, graphite, charcoal, gauze on paper, 18" x 28"

Guardians of the Circle III, 2014, graphite, acrylic gauze, charcoal on paper, 21" x 28"
Guardians of the Arctic Series Artist Statement
Arising from sketches done aboard a grade 2 icebreaker, and in a kayak, these paintings reflect my first awareness of ‘guardians’ embedded in the landscape. Through drawing and redrawing the Arctic purple mountains with deeply incised vertical ridges, a grand design emerged of upright druids and inverted ghostly beings. My imagination readily pushed aside mental reasoning and validated the beings with brush and name: ‘Guardians of the Arctic’. Beings with a sole purpose: to protect this place for Earth’s equilibrium.
Sally Linder