Web, 1994, acrylic, ink, fabric on paper, 41" x 25"

Fall From Connectedness, 1994, acrylic, ink, charcoal on paper, 38" x 45"

Connectedness, 1994, acrylic, ink, charcoal on paper, 32" x 42"

Charlotte, 1994-1995, acrylic, ink, charcoal on paper,53" x92"

Crossing Back Over, 1995, acrylic, ink, charcoal, bee balm on paper, 60" x 24"
Connectedness Series Artist Statement
Upon completion of the Manifest Destiny series I walked alone through the canyon lands of Utah in purposeful search of the hope I had come to recognize in the horns of the buffalo skull. For one month I lived in this cave. I was surrounded and mesmerized by spirit and solitude. Since childhood having felt separate from nature, I attempted through meditation and intense awareness of Earth, to bring from my mind into my heart the indigenous peoples' belief in the interdependence of all life. Unencumbered by civilization, the starkness of the landscape and the huge expanse of uninterrupted sky seen from my home in the cave thrust me into a reliance on everything around me and an initiation into imagery that spoke loudly of that interdependence yet had no defined, nameable forms.
Sally Linder